Inspection Reports

ISI inspections ensure that standards of high-quality education and welfare for children are met and maintained. View our comprehensive reports below to learn why we are currently rated as Excellent.

An ISI inspection is for the benefit of the children and seeks to improve the quality and effectiveness of their education and of the care for their welfare.

Inspection findings are presented in reliable and objective reports. Inspection of educational provision covers compliance with the Independent School Standards Regulations and evaluates the two main outcomes for the children: achievement and personal development.

As well as the education regulations, boarding schools must also meet a set of standards covering the welfare of boarding children: the National Minimum Standards for Boarding Schools. Since January 2012, ISI has been responsible for inspecting boarding welfare in schools.

ISI inspects provision for children from birth up to the age of five, known as the Early Years Foundation Stage. Inspection evaluates the extent to which the setting fulfils the requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory Framework, published by the Department for Education, and follows the requirements of the Childcare Act 2006 as subsequently amended.

The quality of pupils' academic and other achievements is excellent.

ISI Inspection Report 2018

Our Reports

2012 ISI Whole School Inspection Report
2015 ISI Compliance Inspection Report
2018 ISI Full Inspection Report
2023 ISI Regulatory Compliance Inspection Report